By ShuƄhi Mishra: A couple froм Michigan, US were siмply ecstatic when they welcoмed their daughter Audrey into the world in March. Carolyn and Andrew Clark Ƅecaмe parents for the second tiмe to a girl naмed Audrey. Moreoʋer, the 𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑦 girl broke a 138-year streak of Ƅoys in Andrew’s faмily. Yes, you read that right. […]
Dog New
“In spite of the harsh cold, a compassionate man bravely dives into a frozen lake to save a distressed dog desperately seeking assistance in the icy waters.”
Diving Into A Frozen Lake To Rescue This Poor Dog Hero rescues stranded dog from icy lake in -7°C weather wearing just his underwear We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again. Social media is a veritable goldmine of entertaining videos. The most recent one to appear in our feeds was published on Instagram […]
Blinded by the assailant, she extended her leg and implored the woman to tend to her injury.
Blinded By Attacker, She Held Out Her Paw & Begs Woman To Take Away The Hurt Two Diasozo Animal Rescue (DAR) volunteers were feeding stray animals in a nearby village when they noticed something laying on the grass. When they approached, they noticed a dog in evident misery. The wounds on the poor dog were […]
“A compassionate man came to the rescue of this unfortunate dog, who was discovered all alone in the open sea.”
This dog was rescued after being discovered all by himself in the middle of the sea Dogs are great, and they are courageous because if you were in a hard scenario, they would never give up and try their best to discover the way out. Somehow, this dog was swimming by himself in the middle […]
“The determined mother dog resolved to cover a daily distance of 37 miles to safeguard her vulnerable cubs.”
The story of Summer, a mother dog, has touched the hearts of many. For four months, she roamed the town, begging for food, and disappeared after filling her belly. However, when a kind lady who took care of her noticed her weight loss, she suspected that Summer had puppies. With the help of advanced technology, […]